Book or Business — Part IV

I’m in the middle of writing my book.  When should I start marketing and what should I do first?


There are so many possibilities when it comes to marketing these days.  Frankly, I found it overwhelming.  If I had to do it all over again, I would have started with a landing page, and I would have done so as soon as I committed to writing the book.   Why?  Because:

-              I could have clarified my thinking about what I wanted to communicate and to whom far earlier

-              It would have been an easier way to reach prospective supporters and readers than blanket emails 

-              I wouldn’t have to set it up in the middle of everything else I was doing around the time of my book launch

-              (And other lessons learned)


Although I chose to have a website as my landing page, that isn’t the only option. Some examples of landing pages I’ve seen fellow creators use (besides a website):

-              Discord (I saw a really neat one in this platform!)

-              Facebook (Author Page specifically)

-              Patreon

-              LinkedIn

*There are plenty of other digital locales out there, too.  


Some questions to consider before setting up a landing page:

-       What is the purpose / goal behind the page?  Is it to sell the book?  Introduce lore?  Host a newsletter / blog?  Find prospective clients?

      Who is the target audience and where is that target audience most likely to find you?  Readers?  Fellow gamers? Artists?  Prospective clients?


I have learned (and continue to learn) about this whilst in flight.  As an example, I recently received feedback on my own landing page ( that has inspired me to make some changes – more to follow on that front.


Book or Business V


Book or Business — Part III