The Most Helpful Writing Advice I’ve Received (so far)

One of the most common requests I receive during discussions about Midgard from others is writing advice for aspiring writers.  Below are the top three pieces of advice I’ve received…so far.


1. All first drafts suck. Period. Once I realized that, I made waaay more progress with my initial drafts (and it became more fun).  The purpose of the first draft is for you, the author, to figure out the story - to essentially tell yourself the story.  Subsequent drafts are your opportunity to frame that story for a wider audience. 


2. Perfection = Paralysis.  Go for the 80% solution when editing (or at least your editor's version of 80%).  Perfection is not achievable and leads to a vicious cycle of fear, limiting beliefs, and thought-constipation. 


3. If you feel the call to write, answer the call.  I repressed that call for years, and nothing ever felt quite right.  However, once I let my creativity out of the box, everything in my life started to come together.  My Clarity on Fire Coach was instrumental in helping me come to this realization.


Chapter Length and Point of Impact


The Four Muscles of Writing (and how to flex them)